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Thursday, April 17, 2008

Shrek 3

Kids will love Shrek Third, and we'd heartily recommend it if you have an ogre-loving child who needs entertaining on a long car journey. It's accessible, you never end up stuck after making a mistimed jump, and there are plenty of checkpoints and health-replenishing power-ups to keep you progressing smoothly through the game.

What about adults about this game? The cheeky nods to retro games will raise a smile, but the multiple-level humour of the Shrek 3 doesn't really feature much in this game. Meanwhile, judged as a pure platformer, it's only challenging on Hard difficulty level, which you're forced to play through the Medium level to unlock.

So, it's a well-crafted game that's full of platformy goodness to give your kids a treat.

Download: Rapidshare Link

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